A concise synopsis of gay-themed movies and gay interest films. Click on the photos to enlarge.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Las Cosas del Querer (2000)

After the Spanish Civil War in 1940's Madrid, Juan (Angel de Andres Lopez) plays piano for Pepita (Mary Carmen Ramírez) and her on-stage partner gay singer and dancer Mario (Manuel Bandera), who also owns the nightclub. Although Mario really wants to steal Juan for himself, Juan is not interested and Mario resorts to a string of lovers as consolation. Dora (Angela Molina) auditions for a job with Mario. Juan is in love with Dora (they met previosly during an air raid) despite her unchanged habit of going out with as many men as possible. The two of them are also friends with Mario, who also goes out with as many men as possible. There is a nobleman whose attentions Mario at first entertains, loves, then leaves. The nobleman is devastated, and his mother vows revenge on Mario for breaking her son's heart. Ultimately the conservative and intolerant society forces Mario into exile. Basically "Las Cosas del Querer" is a drama about how musical performers during the Spanish post-Civil War era suffered political and sexual persecution. Music was composed by Gregorio García Segura. Dialogue was written by Fernando Colomo and Jaime Chávarri, who also directed. In Spanish with English subtitles, the English title is "The Affairs of Love" or "The Things of Love".


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