College student John "Griff" Griffith (Daniel Chilson) is active in his fraternity and lives in the frat house. He shares a bunk in the same room with his best friend Todd Bentley (Niklaus Lange), Mathew "Doogie" McDougal (Seabass Diamond), and his pledge Stewart "Stewy" Hanson (Matt Steveley). Another of his fraternity brothers, Pete Bradley (Don Handfield), has moved out of the house into a house he shares with other students. Griff and Pete have a secret sexual relationship, but Griff's close-knit fraternity life puts a strain on it. Griff is satisfied with the arrangement, but Pete is not. Pete wants them to date as a romantic couple, and one night he gets Griff to agree to go on a date with him. The date at a gay coffeehouse bothers Griff, who leaves. The next day Griff and his fraternity brothers are shocked to learn that Pete has been viciously attacked and is comatose in the local hospital. Griff is in a daze, ignoring his friends, classwork, and fraternity responsibilities. Eventually Griff learns that Doogie and Stewy are the culprits, and they are taken away in handcuffs by the police. Griff moves into Pete's place, who fully recovers. In the final scene, which follows during the credits, Pete is seen reading in bed with Griff. This independent gay-themed romantic drama was filmed in 13 days, mostly with a cast of first-time actors. It is John Keitel's first film as writer and director.