A concise synopsis of gay-themed movies and gay interest films. Click on the photos to enlarge.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Harry & Max (2004)

Harry (Bryce Johnson) is a 23 year-old former boy band idol who is helping his younger brother Max (Cole Williams), aged 16, follow in his footsteps. Although Harry is at the end of his career, Max is just starting his. Harry seems to be primarily heterosexual, whereas Max is primarily gay and has come to terms with his sexuality. They detour on their way to a Japanese concert tour for a long-promised camping adventure. Their trip begins on a note of camaraderie but quickly turns serious as old wounds resurface, forcing them to come to terms with their dysfunctional past: Harry's drinking problems, his disconnection from the family, and most of all his relationship with Max and the emotional dependency that keeps them from moving into adulthood. During the camping trip, matters are further complicated by the resumption of an incestuous affair between the brothers. The fallout from this further muddles both their lives, as they attempt to understand their feelings for each other and to protect each other in a world in which everybody, including their own mother (Michelle Phillips), seems to want to take advantage of them for financial gain.

This movie doesn't have very good production values. The camera is jerky, the sound is uneven, and the acting is not the best. Homosexual incestuous romantic scenes may make you cringe. Michael Tubbs composed the music, and Christopher Munch wrote the screenplay and directed.


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