A concise synopsis of gay-themed movies and gay interest films. Click on the photos to enlarge.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Gay Bed & Breakfast of Terror (2007)

Helen (Mari Marks) and Luella (Georgia Jean) are a God-fearing mother and daughter who run a charming Bed and Breakfast Inn. On the eve of the biggest gay party weekend of the year, the "Blue Party" in the desert, and having not made advance reservations, five couples have to make accommodations far from the city. There are the performers Dom (Vinny Markus) and Alex (Michael Soldier); the sophisticated "lipsticks" Deborah (Shannon Lee) and Gabby (Denise Heller); the upscale guppies Mike (Derek Long) and Eric (Robert Borzych) and their fag-hag friend Lizette (Lisa Block-Wieser). Also checking in are folk singer Starr (Hilary Schwartz) and tomboy Brenda (Allie Rivenbark), and lastly sugar daddy Rodney (Jim Polivka) and personal trainer Todd (James Tolins).

What should have been the biggest gay party weekend of the year quickly turns into a nightmare. In the middle of the desert, off the main highway, The Sahara Salvation Inn, "A small slice of paradise here in the desert", is not the "gay friendly" Inn advertised. One by one, many of the guests turn up missing or dead, most of them victims of the dagger-wielding right-wing homophobic lunatic Helen, who prays in front of a candlelit altar covered with photos of Republican party leaders.

This is a campy horror film played strictly for laughs, a parody of sex comedies, with lots of blood and gore (strawberry preserves, according to the extras), overacting, and trite dialogue. Its theme song is "Watch Out for the Straights". The actors obviously had fun doing it, which makes it fun to watch their amateurish performances. Guests are a funny collection of stereotypes, including the current "Mr. Leather" (Jaymes Thompson). It's not great filmmaking, but it is hysterical pure fun with no pretensions. Reviewers have written, "It's so bad, it's great!" DVD extras are plentiful, including a short film about going to "the folks' house" for Christmas, a director commentary, outtakes, a music video of the theme, a making-of short, and trailers. Ted Masur composed the incidental music, and Jaymes Thompson scripted and directed.


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