A concise synopsis of gay-themed movies and gay interest films. Click on the photos to enlarge.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Beautiful Laundrette (1985)

This movie is set in the London Asian community during the Nazi Thatcher years. Omar (Gordon Warnecke), the son of a Pakistani journalist, runs his uncle's laundrette. His car is attacked by a group racists, including an old friend of his, Johnny (Daniel Day Lewis). Johnny helps Omar, and they resume a love affair that was interrupted when they graduated from high school. With Johnny's help The laundrette becomes a success, but Omar's alcoholic disgruntled father (Roshan Seth) is unhappy with his son's occupation and asks Johnny to persuade Omar to go to college. Omar decides to take over two laundrettes owned by a friend of Nasser (Saeed Jaffrey), with the help of Salim (Derrick Branche). Johnny's friends attack him for supporting the Asian community, and beat him savagely until Omar saves him. Omar dresses his wounds, and the two bond. The film ends with them splashing each other with water while topless.

Originally made for TV, this film was later released in cinemas and eventually became an international success. The screenplay by Hanif Kureishi depicts London life in the Thatcher Era through the complex and often funny relationships between members of the Asian community. It tackles many issues such as homosexuality, racism, and England's economic and political policy during the 1980s. The soundtrack was written by Stanley Myers and Hans Zimmer. Non-original music includes the waltz Les Patineurs by French composer Emile Waldteufel, and excerpts from Puccini's Madama Butterfly. Picture quality is watchable but not the best.


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